Cello Lessons at Paul Perley Cellos
Both Melissa & Paul are cello teachers, successful with students from beginners to those approaching college & conservatory levels. While most cellists need to be local to come to the studio, and while there is no substitute for personal one on one studies, Melissa has also been quite successful with Skype lessons. If you're interested, have a conversation with Melissa: she's a terrific teacher and if she has an opening you may want to give it a try. Contact us today to find out more.
“Skype cello lessons work very well for me personally. We do not have a cello teacher locally, so Skype has allowed me to take lessons, and also to have the option of an exceptional cello teacher. I have had 14 lessons so far and we have had very few Skype glitches or complications and are able to have an hour lesson with relative ease. I’m grateful for this option and for the Perley’s willingness to give lessons via Skype. Thank you, Paul & Melissa!”
“Melissa and I had weekly cello lessons by Skype when I was living in Spain. I was pleasantly surprised at how well Skype lessons worked. Melissa was not only able to hear my playing just fine, she said it was helpful to see my hand position from a new angle! From across the sea, Melissa helped keep me on track with my cello playing.”
Cello Ensemble Workshops
A number of years ago, Paul & Melissa started a cello ensemble to provide an opportunity to their students to get experience in ensemble playing. As others heard about this group, violinists and bassists asked to join eventually comprising our present form: 1 section of violins, 3 sections of cellos, 1 section of basses. The sonority of such an arrangement surprised us to the point that we feel it successfully rivals, even surpasses, the sound of the conventional string orchestra configuration. We either write or arrange all of our music as there isn't anything available for this type of ensemble: and we can include musicians from intermediate level through advanced levels.
The success and downright fun of this ensemble has prompted people to ask if we would travel outside our area to give a workshop for their own cello ensemble. So here's what we can do. We would be willing to give a one day workshop, including providing music, for your ensemble. You would need to add (at least for the workshop) a section of violins, and one of basses. There would need to be three sections of cellists, and the number in each section could be as low as one, or as high as your venue has room for. We would send you the music ahead of time for people to work on, then on the appointed day we would have a 2 hr morning rehearsal, followed by a lunch break of undetermined length during which time their could be private practice, and we could be available for private lessons. Then a one & a half to two hour rehearsal followed by a performance for friends and family. All of the times and duration would be flexible for the individual situation.
Other than travel expense we would charge $500 for the day plus any individual private lessons. This includes music either written or arranged by us. Contact us if you're interested.